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The significance and power of art are a prominent feature at Eagles Palace as it proudly supports the “Artists in Residence” program. The initiative plays a fundamental part of the international creative sphere. And in collaboration with talented Greek artists, we host creatives regularly, giving them an opportunity to tap into the spiritual echoes of Mouth Athos and draw inspiration from the natural nuances on our doorstep.

For more than a century, the Artists in Residence Program has played an important role all over the globe. Some of the world’s most famous hotels, including The Savoy in London, The Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee and The Swatch Art Peace Hotel in Shanghai, have hosted similar programs.

Artists in Residence Program V - Photography

The Artists In Residence Program (ARP) in collaboration with ARTWORKS, invited 8 Fellows from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Artist Fellowship Program to participate in the 5th edition of ARP in May 2021.

Artists in Residence Program IV - Moving Image

Eagles Palace welcomed eight distinguished artists and filmmakers, between 9 and 15 May 2016, for the 4th Artists in Residence Program (Visual Arts Edition).

Artists in Residence Program III - Visual Arts

Based around the theme, “Myth of Eagles”, Eagles Palace welcomed eleven distinguished visual artists, between 9 and 15 May 2016, for the third Artists in Residence Program (Visual Arts Edition).

Artists in Residence Program II - Photography

After a very successful first Artist in Residence Program, Eagles Palace welcomed thirteen talented Greek photographers to join the Artists in Residence Program II (Photography Edition).

Artists in Residence Program I - Literature

The written word has the power to transform thoughts, navigate powerful ideas and preserve traditions and memories, and in 2015, Eagles Palace welcomed ten distinguished Greek writers to its inaugural Artists in Residence Program (Literature Edition).